Rooms are still available at the discounted rates for lifters! Please call 916-638-1100 and ask for Melissa, Bobbie, or Alyssa to make your reservations! If you have any problems, call Gus.
Hello Lifters, We hope that training is going well and that you are excited for the Rancho Cordova Meet! As a reminder if you need a room reservations to book them no later than Wednesday July 13th.If you were having issues with reservations we have just been assured that the rates are now available
ATTENTION LIFTERS: Unfortunately due to the current turnout for the Southern Indiana Hoosier Push/Pull Classic it is being canceled. Thank you for your understanding. Keep training, we still look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s Worlds Championships in Reno!
Attention all WABDL lifters! We want to reassure all lifters that the Rancho Cordova and Worlds Championships will still be held. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and we hope that you’re able to train hard and safely!
Hello All! If you have not received your 2021 Certificates please call Gus at (503)901-1622 A bunch of certificates were returned to Gus as mailing addresses we not current. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Hello WABDL Family! We are pleased to announce that the applications are now live and are available for download here: APPLICATION Important Dates: Entry and Fees Due: 9/28/2022 Hotel Reservation Deadline: 10/07/2022 WEIGH-INS: PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS IN ORDER TO WEIGH-IN ON TIME! NO MORNING WEIGH-INS! Saturday, October 29: 1:30 P.M.–8:00 P.M. for lifters competing
The rough schedule for Worlds 2022 will be as follows: Sunday 10/30/22 – All Teens, All Juniors, and Open Men Monday 10/31/22 – Open Women, All Submaster, All Master’s 40-46 Tuesday 11/01/22 – All Class 1, All Master’s 47-60 Wednesday 11/02/22 – All Disabled 1 & 2, Special Olympian, Law & Fire Thursday 11/03/22 –
Hello WABDL Family, Gus has updated the Team Roster forms. Please use these forms from now on: LOCAL ADULT TEAM WORLD ADULT TEAM WORLD TEEN TEAM All forms above are on the Lists & Forms page as well. Thank you!
Attention Lifters! If you are entered in the Meet in Wisconsin Dells and are having issues with hotel reservation prices, or if you have booked another hotel but would like to get a room at Chula Vista Resorts with the rates below please call Gus at: (503)901-1622. The last day to do so