Rancho Cordova Meet and Raw World Records

There will be a Rancho Cordova meet August 25, 2018 at the Marriott Hotel. The reason for there initially not being one was the hotel was going to renovate the ballroom at the Marriott on July 2018. I called them in April and found out they had moved the renovation date back to November. World

In Regard to World Raw Records

At the 2017 Worlds, raw world records couldn’t be set. However, this year and every year after, they can be set. The raw world records will be updated at the end of the 2018 regular lifting season in August of 2018. There will be many divisions and their respective weight classes that won’t be occupied


IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR LIFTERS: NEW LIMITS FOR CLASS 1 MEN – RAW BENCH Class 1 Men: RAW BENCH: Any male lifter who has lifted less than the following in any and all sanctioned contests: 105-185#, 114- 214.7#, 123-242.5#, 132-264.5#, 148-308.5#, 165-341.5#, 181-363.7#, 198-385.0#, 220-402.2#, 242-418.7#, 259-435.2#, 275-446.2#, 308-468.2#, Super -487.2# Lifters, if you enter Class

Jane McCubbin the laid-back champion

~from Lodi Exchange Jane McCubbin began lifting weights in the 1980’s out of solidarity with her sister-in-law, who wanted to venture into the testosterone-filled weight room at the former Lodi Fitness Center. “Back then females didn’t go in the weight room,” McCubbin said. “…She asked if I would go with her.” McCubbin agreed to join

Harry Munro 1956-2017

~From Gus Rethwisch Harry Munro Born: June 6, 1956 Died: December 12, 2017   Harry Munro passed of brain cancer at age 61. He had been a member of the WABDL since 2001. He competed in meets in Phoenix AZ, Monterey CA, Chico CA, Rancho Cordova CA, San Jose CA, , Portland OR, Reno NV,