A WABDL Member Needs Support

Friank Wakakua was diagnosed with end of life renal (kidney) failure. His physician told him he was lucky that he went to the emergency room when he did or he would not have survived without treatment. Please click here to support Frank.

Emily Jondron – 303 bench at 16!

Emily Jondron, a 16 year old Princeton High School Junior competed in the WABDL Southwest Regional Bench Press and Deadlift Championships held in Dallas, TX on July 18th, 2015. Emily participated in both Bench Press and Dead Lift. She took 1st place in both events and established a new Bench Press world record and 1st

Karen Campbell Does The Impossible AGAIN!

Karen Campbell hit a World Record Bench Press of 501.5 at the WABDL World Cup in April of this year. At that time many of us who  were there to witness it (I had a ring side seat as a side judge) could hardly believe our eyes. Well she did it again! Here is video of

Meet Write-Ups Now Available

Not all Meet Directors send us a Meet Summary Report (Write-Up), but when they do we will post them on our new ‘Meet Write-Ups’ page. The Meet Write-Ups page is available as a link from the WABDL Meet Results page. For any questions in regard to Meet Write-Ups please contact the Meet Director for the

All Meet Results and Records Have Been Updated As Of 6/15/2015

The WABDL Webmaster has received and posted all meet results received from the WABDL Secretary as of 6/15/2015. In addition all State, National, World and International Records have been updated. If you have any questions or concerns in regard to meet results and/or records please contact the WABDL Secretary via contact information on the WABDL Contact


The WABDL®  North East National Bench Press and Deadlift Championship is being held this coming weekend (Saturday,  June 13, 2015) in Portland Maine. The first flight starts at 9:00 AM. The meet is being held at the Fireside Inn.  Al Stork is the  Meet Director. World Champion and World Record holder Karen Campbell will be looking