Power Rankings in Beta Testing

Much work has gone into rebuilding the very popular WABDL Power Rankings, which allows lifters to compare their lifts against others in the same division and class. The Power Rankings are available on the Results page. Currently the results pull from 2015 meets only, however soon we hope to pull from meets since 2009 which is the

New Push-Pull Division

Push-pull is a division, like bench press or dead lift; however, the fees for bench press and dead lift are separate from push-pull fees. You  get a trophy for push-pull if you enter just push-pull. You do not get a trophy for bench press or dead lift unless you enter and pay for those additional divisions separately.

Elite and Open Men’s Division Rules

Elite Open Men (Single-ply Bench Press Only): Any male lifter who has benched higher than the following in any and all sanctioned contests in any federation will be in the Elite division. Lifters may set state records in Elite Open and lift in other divisions EXCEPT Open Men.  Please note the limits for entering Elite Open Men and the

Membership Cards and Weigh-Ins

You are reminded that you must have a current card by weigh-ins in order to compete in a contest. If in doubt, purchase a new card and if it turns out you don’t need it, you will receive a refund. If you don’t have a current card, you will not be in the meet results,