MEET: WABDL® World Cup BP & DL – 2015

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Date(s) - 04/11/2015
All Day

Chula Vista Resort - Wisconsin Dells, WI



WABDL® World Cup Bench Press and Dead Lift Championships Chula Vista Resort– 2501 River Road, Wisconsin

This is a World Championship Qualifier: The top three finishers in every weight class of every division qualify for the World Championship in Las Vegas, NV, November 17-22, 2015. You may enter either bench press or dead lift or both, but you do not have to do both. You may lift in one or two divisions of the bench press or dead lift or both. YOU MUST INDICATE ON THIS ENTRY WHETHER YOU WILL BE LIFTING SINGLE-PLY OR DOUBLE-PLY IN THE BENCH PRESS and DEAD LIFT. You must choose one or the other for the competition. You may not choose one for one division and the other for a second division. Please note we do not have “raw” divisions, but you may lift raw for trophies. Any records set will be for single- ply. NO CHANGES IN PLY, DIVISION, OR WEIGHT CLASS AFTER THE FINAL DATE – March 27th, 2015.

ENTRY DEADLINE: Entry fee and entry form must be IN HAND by March 27, 2015. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER MARCH 27TH MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A $25 LATE FEE. No faxed or telephone entries accepted. PLEASE NOTE: NO CHANGE IN PLY, DIVISION OR WEIGHT CLASS accepted AFTER April 3rd . Absolutely NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER April 3rd .

ENTRY FEE is $60 for either Bench or Dead Lift (one division) or $110 for two divisions – one bench and one dead; or two bench or two dead). If you do three divisions (two in Bench, one in Dead Lift, for example) the fee is $140. If you do two divisions in both Bench and Dead Lift, fee is $160. (That is a total of four trophies.) Teenage entry fee is $45 for one event, $80 for two divisions or one in Bench and one in Dead Lift, $105 for three divisions, and $120 for four divisions. Push-pull fees are $60/45 (teen) for one division and $110/80 (teen) for two divisions. Fees for regular meet and push-pull meet are separate. For example, two divisions of regular meet are $110 and if you do one division of push-pull it is an additional $60 for a total of $170. Four divisions of regular meet is $160 and two divisions of push-pull is an additional $110 for a total of $270. Team: Please contact Gus Rethwisch for details or download the team roster from the website at Team fee is $90. The team roster and fee are due by March 27th. The roster needs to be faxed to Elma Thomas at (503) 822-5163 or emailed to . Please include alternates on your team roster. Be sure you download the TEAM ROSTER not the World Team Roster. Please verify all lifters have entered the competition and that team member names are spelled correctly. Send completed entry form, entry fee(s), team fees, and WABDL card fee, if applicable, to Gus Rethwisch at P.O. Box 515 – Willard, UT.