Gary McFarland

-Has set 11 WABDL World Records in Law/Fire Master, and regular Masters in both Single Ply and Raw

-Has won 9 Best Lifter awards in WABDL

-Has Benched 546.6 in Law/Fire Open 242 for a State Record, and 537 for a World Record in Law/Fire Masters in 242.

-Benched 429.7 Raw at 2019 World Championships at 220 and set new World Record in both Law/Fire Master, and 54-60 Master, and received Best Lifter awards in both categories

-Is ranked 15th out of 145 in Bench Press Masters 47-53/198

with 462.7

-Is ranked 15th out of 142 in Bench Press Masters 47-53/220 with 520.2

-Is ranked #1 in Raw 54-60/198 in Bench Press with 429.7