Larry Vincent

2018-08-27 08.57.13

Larry came late to competing in power lifting. His first WABDL meet was 1998 at the age of 62.

Prior to that he spent 7 years in the Navy: First as an electronic tech on a Fast Attack Submarine, later as an Electronics Officer on a Guided Missile Destroyer. Along the way he finished an Electronic Engineering degree from the University of Washington.

After the Navy, he taught high school math and earned a Master’s in Math from Cal State Fullerton. He then taught part time at various colleges until age 80.

Usually competing at 148 lbs. Larry has earned 25 World Records Certificates in the WABDL. He admits to not lifting particularly heavy weights at his age, but likes to show one can compete into later years.

He has competed in 10 World Championships and won ten times. Usually he wins the bench and often the dead lift too. One year he took second in the bench but won the dead lift that year. As of 2018 he hold 7 current World Records.

His best PRs are about 290 in the bench and 400 in the dead lift’

Larry was inducted into the WABDL Hall of Fame in November 2012.








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