5 more reasons why I love lifting in WABDL…..

5 more reasons why I love lifting in WABDL by Paul Janoff

Just back from an awesome meet in Carmel and I keep realizing why WABDL is such a fantastic federation. Some of these are reruns but need to be emphasized again and again.

  • Meet organizers have their act together. Meets run on time, the organizers are available, respectful and friendly and most of all they care about the lifters. Be it Matt LaMarque, JIm Presley, Gus, or Jody Woods or anyone in WABDL, they set the bar for excellence. Thanks to everyone for being such a class act.
  • Judges want you to succeed. As Matt pointed out on Saturday, many judges and I mean many in other federations truly want you to fail. I have won first place at meets where the judge with a three second start command wanted me to bomb. Not so in WABDL. Start with a white, earn a red. Gotta love it!!
  • Safety is always first. We were the first federation to have face guards and every single spotter is focused on keeping us safe so we can succeed. No holding it on your chest for 3 seconds, no bs start commands, and the hardest working spotters and loaders.
  • Equipment. Check out the benches, weights, bars, and notice they are absolutely top of the line. Makes us all better lifters doesn’t it?

WABDL provides the best because they are the best. Kind, friendly, empathetic, and caring fellow lifters. Everyone helps each other out with shirts, encouragement, warm up benches, and other equipment. I watched experienced lifters take time on Saturday to encourage first timers with words that imparted confidence and strength. Proud to be part of the WABDL family.

I am proud to have lifted in WABDL for twenty years and I owe so much of the small success I have attained the entire organization. Stay strong and see you in Chico!!

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