About Jeff Peshek from Gus Rethwisch

Jeff Peshek – Age 56 Born May 21, 1963 – Died November 26, 2019 Jeff Peshek was the epitome of the ‘gentle giant’ – 6’0 – 275lbs and built like a Greek God. He was a very soft spoken, humble, world class powerlifter and devoted to his wife Carly. Carly always went to all of

Who Needs the World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters?

Why the WABDL is Such a Great Idea The World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters runs competitions for bench press or deadlift exercise only. But, there are several other powerlifting organizations like the USAPL. So why do we need another association? The reason is that other powerlifting organizations include squats in their competitions. But, the