Disabled II Division in 2016

OFFICIAL WABDL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE OFFICE OF GUS RETHWISCH Beginning in 2016 everyone who desires to lift in the Disabled II Division at a WABDL sponsored meet must provide signed documentation from a Physician explaining the condition that would warrant lifting in this division. This documentation must be on official office letterhead, with a contact number

Local athlete breaks world record, again

Rachelle Meidinger, 21, broke her own world record by lifting 265 pounds during a bench press lift at the World Bench Press and Deadlifters Championship in Las Vegas on Nov. 22. CLICK HERE for entire article compliments of the Valley Journal!

Troy and Mike Fryar (Father/Son team)

(as told by Troy Fryar) My dad, Mike Fryar, who recently turned 70, started lifting when I came in the service 26+ years ago.  Ironically, he was 44 when he started, the same age I am now.  I want to brag about my dad, he is truly a remarkable man. He served honorably in the U. S. Coast

A WABDL Member Needs Support

Friank Wakakua was diagnosed with end of life renal (kidney) failure. His physician told him he was lucky that he went to the emergency room when he did or he would not have survived without treatment. Please click here to support Frank.

Emily Jondron – 303 bench at 16!

Emily Jondron, a 16 year old Princeton High School Junior competed in the WABDL Southwest Regional Bench Press and Deadlift Championships held in Dallas, TX on July 18th, 2015. Emily participated in both Bench Press and Dead Lift. She took 1st place in both events and established a new Bench Press world record and 1st