Membership Cards and Weigh-Ins

You are reminded that you must have a current card by weigh-ins in order to compete in a contest. If in doubt, purchase a new card and if it turns out you don’t need it, you will receive a refund. If you don’t have a current card, you will not be in the meet results, and you will forfeit any records you set.

YOU ARE ALSO REMINDED THAT YOU MAY NOT CHANGE DIVISION, PLY, OR WEIGHT CLASS AFTER THE FINAL DATE FOR CHANGES LISTED ON THE ENTRY. Unless you make changes by the due date, what is on the entry is what you must lift at or you will not appear in the results. In the case of world competition, it would be best if you notified the secretary at (503) 822-5242 (phone) or (503) 822-5163 (fax) or by email at of changes. You may also notify Gus, but he is busy and may forget to let the secretary know. THESE RULES APPLY TO ALL SANCTIONED MEETS AND WILL BE ENFORCED AT WORLDS.

WABDL does not have nor does it have plans in the future to have a “raw” lifting division. Some lifters choose to lift raw and that is okay. Gus Rethwisch and some meet directors (it is at the discretion of the meet directors) sometimes give separate trophies for those lifting raw. Any records set lifting raw will be single-ply records.

Because we have no “raw” division, the meet results will no longer reflect “raw” in the ply column. Some lifters have been confused and think there actually is a “raw” division which, of course, there is not. In summary, you are welcome to lift raw and you may set single-ply records while doing so; however, there will no longer be “raw” listed for any meet results and those that occurred in the past will be changed to reflect our legal divisions of single-ply or double-ply.

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